what to pack for your adventure

more time spent planning, will save you in the long run:

When planning your next adventure, its very important to pack light weight, but also have all the essentials you need. We give an over-all view here; for more detailed info what to pack, its important to research the area you will be visiting and what other travelers recommend for those areas. There are forums online with great info about the different areas, and people who have traveled the route you are about to take, they can provide excellent information and advice!

Plan ahead, plan ahead, PLAN AHEAD! This can be crucial to your survival in many situations. Test out and inspect gear in advance! You don’t want to be stranded with broken equipment, you also need to know how to use all of your equipment. When stranded and under pressure, that is not the time to learn how to use your new gear.

Back-up gear, though extra weight, can be vital for your survival. When your primary gear breaks, or you are lost/separated from your best gear, having some extra rope, a knife, flint and steel, and water straw can make all the difference!

You can do your gear research online, but its highly advised to go to an outdoor gear store for a better education about your gear needs and options. They will help you understand how to use the gear, try the items on, compare pricing, etc. NO pressure to buy there, just get a better education about your needs and options. You can find gently used, second hand gear for better prices.

After you have decided on your destination, what you want to do on your adventure, and what you need to bring, lay it all out. Odds are good you will have a lot more items than you need or want to carry for an extended period of time. Pack, unpack, repack your bag to get a feel for the weight, access to important things, if you REALLY need those super cute high heels for that amazing selfie you planned to take at the top of the mountain, or if you can settle for your hiking boots.

“Ounces equal pounds, and pounds equal pain.” The 5 minutes you walk around practicing with this pack may not seem like a big deal, but 3 days into your hike, when your hips are raw from all the unnecessary weight, you will wish you hadn’t brought the extra notebooks, you aren’t using, or the full jar of jelly grandma made you.


Gear tips for different climates