Find a tour that meets your needs.

Connecting you with us



What are you looking for?

You’ll be asked a few questions to help us tailor our suggestions.


Personalized suggestions.

We’ll share which tours would best fit your needs and preferences.


Pick the right Tour.

After all has been considered, we will help you register for an exciting tour.

"It can be scary venturing on your own, but Wild Edventures took a lot of anxiety and fear out of the equation. I was able to get personalized recommendations for a safe, exciting tour."



Do you offer payment plans?

Yes we do, through PayPal. The trip must be paid in full 4 months before departure, to make sure all accommodations can be secured.

Do you accommodate folks with disabilities?

Yes of course! Many of our beginner tours accommodate folks with disabilities. There are some experiences we are unable to accommodate, but talk with one of our guides to see how we can customize the tour for you.

Do I need to have any prior experience?

No. Many of our beginner tours are designed for folks just like you who have never had any wilderness experience. No one is obligated to participate in an activity they don’t feel safe doing, although we HIGHLY encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones.
All of Wild Edventures tour guides are WFR certified (wilderness first responder certified), your safety AND growth are our top priorities!

is there a way to add additional experiences to my tour?

All of our tours allow down time for guests to do what they like, including adding additional experiences.

Although, some experiences need to be booked in advance.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance?

Yes, it’s a must. It’s for your safety and the protection of your investment. Who expected a worldwide pandemic would hit, and cancel all trips?

We recommend Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection at

What should I pack?

You will be sent a specific list for your trip of essentials.

“Ounces equal pounds, and pounds equal pain”, being conscientious of what you pack will save you pain in the long run.

Let’s find a tour right for you