How to physically prepare for an outdoor trip

making the most of your training:

If you are already an athlete, modifying some of your workouts for a successful expedition should be easy.

For those of you new to working out or preparing for an alpine adventure, this will give you a little more direction where to start, the safest ways to train without injury, and what you CAN’T prepare for in a gym.

If you come from a low altitude area, like many of us, you probably aren’t acclimated to higher altitudes. This, unfortunately, is something you can’t prepare for in your gym, or home terrain. This is something you will have to face when you arrive for your alpine adventure.

Likewise with a deep sea exploration, your body has to slowly adjust to the pressure changes associated with diving.

As far as preparing for an alpine adventure, where you will be carrying a heavy pack to 10,000ft or more; follow the directions recommended in the other blogs “Planning your next adventure” and “what to pack for your adventure”, these suggestions will save your body on the trail.

In the gym, however, strengthening your core is ALWAYS very helpful, the Stairmaster will help you train your legs and whole body for the upward strain. Training with a weighted pack will help your body feel what its like to go uphill with weight.

If the opportunity presents itself to arrive in these higher altitude destinations earlier than your expedition, your body will have a chance to acclimate sooner than if you just landed and hit the trails.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! I don’t think I can stress this enough in any of these blog posts. Most people don’t get enough to drink on the daily, let alone in the wilderness. If you can train yourself to stay hydrated and keep a healthy supply of electrolytes in your system, you will recognize out on the trail when your body needs to be replenished.


planning for your next adventure


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